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Where Africa and Technology Collide!

Ushahidi.com – Report Incidents of Violence in Kenya

As I mentioned in my last post, it would be good for us to have a tool to chronicle the incidents of violence happening around Kenya. That is the basic premise behind a new site that was quickly scratched together by a couple of us this weekend.

Ushahidi.com - A Tool to for Witnesses of violence in Kenya

Ushahidi.com is a tool for people who witness acts of violence in Kenya in these post-election times. You can report the incident that you have seen, and it will appear on a map-based view for others to see. Ory and Daudi are working with local Kenyan NGO’s to get information and to verify each incident.

What you can do is get the word out about Ushahidi so that it’s utilized to it’s full potential. This especially extends to talking to the people that you know who have seen things in Kenya and getting them to the site as well.

Ushahidi.com Homepage

the Ushahidi.com Homepage

At the beginning of a project like this the technology portion can seem to be the hardest to get off the ground. In the end, it’s just the tool, and the hard work will come from people in the field who are working with NGO’s to keep this information accurate and to chronicle as much of it as they can. If you want to help, get in touch with Daudi or Ory to get started.

When all the dust settles from this in Kenya, don’t be one of the ones saying, “I should have done something”.

[A special thanks goes out to David Kobia of Kobia Interactive for stepping up and shouldering the load and developing this site in just 2 days!]

Get the Word Out!
If you would like to raise awareness of Ushahidi via your blog or website. Feel free to use one of these buttons that I created, or make your own. (You can grab them from the Flickr set too)

Ushahidi Button v1c 200px Ushahidi Button v1d 200px

Ushahidi Button v2c 250px

The code for the bottom one would be like what you see below, which you can just copy and paste:

<a href="http://www.ushahidi.com"><img src="http://whiteafrican.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/ushahidi_v2c_250px.jpg"
alt="Ushahidi Button v2c 250px" /></a>


  1. This is a great initiative. I just spotted it on Kenyan Pundit. Are there any plans to expand this beyond Kenya? It is great how African bloggers have embraced the cause to help end the violence in Kenya, but there are other countries that can benefit from this as well. Can we extend the mashup to those countries?

  2. very good initiative. Please include ‘rape’ in the categories of incidents.

  3. Hash, the html code isn’t working for me? I’ve added to my blog page with no joy – even after waiting a while….

    Will certainly bring to attention to as many as I can about ushahidi. Great job you guys.

  4. Jac, thanks for bringing that error in the button code to my attention. I’ve fixed it.

    Here is the correct code:

    <a href="http://www.ushahidi.com"><img src="http://whiteafrican.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/ushahidi_v2c_250px.jpg&quot;
    alt="Ushahidi Button v2c 250px" /></a>

  5. A great initiative, HASH. Actually getting something concrete and positive done while others just faff around and say how great something like this could be (you can check the urban dictionary for a definition of “faff” if anyone’s not sure what the word means!).

    All that’s missing, of course, is the mobile element and challenges of getting location information (it’s unlikely you’ll get this through the operators). Given problems with internet access in some of these areas at the best of times – let alone in a riot – I sense that mobile uploads will be the difference between success and failure for Ushahidi.


  6. Hash,

    Great job, you don’t just talk the talk..

  7. Odhiambo Preston

    January 10, 2008 at 2:45 pm

    Raila’s personal greed and ambitions have sealed his fate.

    His hands are covered with the blood of innocent people that you sacrificed to the devil. We know they planned their murderous rampage before the elections. Spirits of dead innocent children are crying out for justice. Starving widows are crying for their husbands. What crime did they commit? Did the chilren steal votes?

    Raila Odinga, you will never be president of Kenya.


  8. Hash,
    I found this initiative creative and interesting – Kenyans on ground trying to do something. They have left their numbers and messages- http://www.worknets.org/wiki.cgi?HelpKenyans

  9. great site, definitley has my support if from a long way away in Ireland! Well done

  10. this is a good work ..i need to sent pics to u from kericho…it was sad

33 Pingbacks

  1. 2008 Presidential Election » Ushahidi.com - Report Incidents of Violence in Kenya
  2. Democrats @ 2008 Presidential Election » Ushahidi.com - Report Incidents of Violence in Kenya
  3. Ushahidi.com - Report Incidents of Violence in Kenya | Technology
  4. Global Voices Online » Kenya: A tool for reporting acts of violence
  5. Jikomboe » Ushahidi + Ukurasa Maalum Wa Kenya
  6. technology » Blog Archive » Ushahidi.com - Report Incidents of Violence in Kenya
  7. Kenyan Pundit » Ushahidi.com
  8. Ushahidi.com - Digital Documentation of Post-election Violence in Kenya - AfricanLoft
  9. Global Voices amin´ny teny malagasy » Kenya : Fitaovana ahafahana mametraka tatitra mikasika ireo herisetra
  10. mweshi » Blog Archive » Ushahidi
  11. Global Voices 日本語 » ケニア:暴動の報告するためのツール
  12. Kenya in crisis: a search for citizen cameras… « The Hub: Upload It : See It : Share It : Take Action
  13. Una ushahidi wa yanayojiri Kenya? « Jukwaa Huru la Uchambuzi
  14.   Kenia: Zeitzeugen gesucht by + mzungu’s weblog +
  15. Black Looks
  16. Ushahidi.com « ALFAJIRI
  17. kenya times | Reach hot news online
  18. Ushahidi.com | www.robrooker.com
  19. Ushahidi - Bringing Awareness to Violence in Kenya | Personal Insights on Web 2.0, Blogging, and Business
  20. Global Voices amin´ny teny malagasy » Kenya : Ny vohikala Ushahidi.com anivon’ireo filazam-baovao
  21. Global Voices Online » Kenya: Cyberactivism in the aftermath of political violence
  22. Ushahidi - Testimonies of violence in Kenya on the web « ICT for Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace)
  23. » Blog Archive » Tactic: SMS/Map Mashup Protects Human Rights in Kenya
  24. Crowdsourcing Ushahidi's Further Development (we need your help) | White African
  25. Mentalacrobatics » Vote for Ushahidi in the Netsquared Mashup Challenge
  26. » DigiActive.org » Tactic: SMS/Map Mashup Protects Human Rights in Kenya
  27. Ushahidi - 1 Year Later - The Ushahidi Blog
  28. Which is a Better Mobile Citizen Reporting Tool: Twitter or Ushahidi? | Gauravonomics Blog
  29. Kenya in crisis: a search for citizen cameras… » WITNESS Blog
  30. Kenya in crisis: a search for citizen cameras… « Sameer Padania
  31. Ushahidi.com
  32. Notes from The Innovation Summit 2011 | Invisible//Ink//Digital
  33. Uchaguzi: Full-Circle on Kenya’s Elections — WhiteAfrican

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