[UPDATE: Kwame Nyong’o will be doing out illustration work for Ushahidi. Thank you to everyone for the references and emails!]
I am badly in need of an illustrator to help with the Ushahidi.com redesign – mainly for accenting and icons. I’m looking for someone who can do work in a similar style to the image seen below. If you’ve ever been to Africa, or seen an African children’s book, you’ll realize how iconic this type of illustration work is to Africa.

We don’t have a large budget, but I will pay for this work. Pass it on to your friends who are good illustrators.
If you know who did the above work, I’d love to talk to him/her. Contact me here. Thanks!
August 6, 2008 at 8:28 am
Did you find anyone? If not just tell me cos I might ask a friend of mine. She’s Italian and very talented in design and illustrations.
August 7, 2008 at 8:43 pm
Best: http://www.rodhunt.com
jua kali: http://www.developmentart.com/
Else: http://hireanillustrator.com
Yeah, where are those graphic illustrators from SA & EAK?
August 17, 2008 at 8:59 am
Got anyone yet?
You may wanna try Joseph Barasa. Very talented, he is also a good graphic designer who draws for Nation Media Group’s Business Daily.
His number is 0721422575.
August 19, 2008 at 10:55 am
Update: Kwame Nyong’o will be doing out illustration work for Ushahidi. Thank you to everyone for the references and emails!
August 24, 2008 at 7:23 pm
How about Joumana?
She is an amazing illustrator –
September 9, 2008 at 8:22 am
I can do it, give me a call.
September 9, 2008 at 8:23 am
I can do it, give me a call.