What the heck is this craziness? So, now you can beam your blogs RSS feed into space via bloginspace.com. You know, I can’t admit to believing in aliens, but I still had to throw my feed up there. It’s a great PR stunt by MindComet for their new BlogStar Network, they’re all over the news, so you have to hand it to them. I’ve even added one of the cool little gifs to my blog:

Blog In Space!!!

I then sent off a referral message to my friend Swoosh, who runs the African Wanderings blog that sent this message (note: I did not write the body of the message, it was generated by the website upon filling in the email address and pushing “submit”):

I have always wondered if there is alien life out there. I mean, I am
not saying that I believe in alien abductions or little green men,
but I have to believe that there is someone else out there…. and
maybe they are watching us. Anyway, I found a new site that lets you
transmit your blog into deep space for free. You gotta check it out.



When I first looked yesterday, they had 100 RSS feeds signed up. By tonight, the number is up to 830! This is the definition of “Viral Marketing” folks. Without one bit of advertising, they are getting crazy amounts of referrals from people just telling their friends.

PS. Swoosh’s reply to my website generated email:

no i won’t send my blog into space.
i told you to stop jaweezing at work, hash!


Tomfoolery at it’s finest, Good stuff!

NOTE: as of 7/21 at 7:45 AM EST they now have 1000 feeds. I’m going to keep following this to see how it grows over time, maybe I’ll make a graph too.