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Where Africa and Technology Collide!

Category: Funny (page 5 of 5)

Things that make me laugh

An Ode to Materialism: Big Box Mart

Big Box Mart - Materialism in America by JibJab

JibJab has done it again. The guys who put together the famous This Land song/video starring George Bush and John Kerry have struck again. This time they target all that is wrong with American materialism in Big Box Mart.

‘Tard Pack for Xbox 360

Xbox 360Back to funny and meaningless drivel. I came across this hilarious article that was in the New York Post concerning the upcoming Xbox 360 (which is releasing on November 22). An exerpt:

The Core pack has been called the “’tard” pack, as in that’s what your mom is if she buys you this for Christmas.

Really, that’s just funny. Anyway, you really are retarded if you buy the $299 version instead of the $399 version – it just doesn’t make sense. You’ll easily end up paying $150-200 more getting the additional accessories at a later date, just bite the bullet and buy it all at once.

Living Plants… Strange

Have you ever come across something so odd that you don’t know quite what to say? Please, take a moment to watch the following video to see what I mean.


Hamster Pit Fighting

Don't get over-zealous...I’m not really sure what to say… besides, go get a hamster and “let’s get it on!”

Hamster pit fighting 101

Alternative Secure Shop – Hot!!!

Alternative Secure Shop (ASS)M over at Thinker’s Room has written up a dandy little article on why you should know more about Alternative Secure Shopping and about his travails in this part of the online industry. I couldn’t agree with him more on how hot ASSes are getting in todays marketplace.

I always find it gratifying when people move from the strategizing phase to the hands-on phase, which appears to be what M has been up to for the last 6 months. Please, take the time to read this wonderful insiders account: Me and my ASS

Britney Spears and Lady Raptastic

Lady Raptastic!  Don't hate cuz I look greatWow, now this is just plain funny.

For some reason I’m posting random thoughts more than anything of true merit lately. Regardless, please listen to this audio sound bite by Lady Raptastic and Britney Spears called “Britney and Me”. I was truly rolling in the office when someone pointed me to it.

The rest of the blog can get a little wierd, but this was priceless!

Talk Like a Pirate Day!

A Pirate CaptainSurprise, surprise! I had no idea that September 19th was the official “Talk Like a Pirate Day“. Had I known this yesterday, I might have prepared a costume… maybe not, but I would have thought of some good pirate banter in order to fulfill my obligation to this great day. Scallywags and bilge rats be warned!

If Pirates Ruled!
– Photoshop contest (very funny)

In honor of this illustrious day, I will post a few pirate images, links to stories, and links to modern day pirates.

Modern day pirates – a story:

Modern Day Pirates

African American pirates:

African American Pirate - John Jullian

Link to a random funny blog post about Talk Like A Pirate Day.


You decide… (click for larger image)

Shark attacks helicopter

You got it right – it’s fake, but whoever did the photoshop job on it really deserves some praise. Here’s the link to the full story: Fake Shark Attack.

Of Africans, Snakes, and Reptiles

Most Africans hate reptiles. I found this out when I collected lizards in the rocks around our place as a little boy, then trotted off to show them to John, our askari (guard). John was a fierce-looking and tough Kamba. He carried his rungu (fighting stick) with him everywhere, and also kept a bow and arrow collection in the guard house. Much to my dismay, he started cursing and backpeddling as soon as he realized what I was proferring up to him in my little 8 year-old hands.

Personally, most reptiles don’t bother me. As a good mzungu (white person), you’d find me catching little lizards, hatching their eggs, or chasing the big monitor lizards in the bush. However, I must draw the line somewhere, and that line is at snakes. If you have any questions as to why, please take a look at the following pictures, and read the story at snopes.

Click to see full sized images:

Rock Python in South Africa
Rock Python Fangs!

What’s Your Superpower?

What's YOUR superpower?

A colleague and I had a discussion recently regarding a particular client over what to do to deal with a potentially sticky situation. My reply was to play it down, and make as little of a deal of it as possible, then to shift gears into other areas of mutual interest to deflect attention from the negatives. To my surprise my colleague stated: “that’s your superpower!”

“What?”, I replied in confusion.

“That’s your superpower. You can somehow make a molehill out of a mountain!”

Now, the thinking-man in me started to ponder this idea. Not in the “am I spiderman?” sense, more of the “interesting…” type of way. I think it touches on what we usually recognize as peoples gifts. Lebron is a gifted basketball player, Mel Gibson is a gifted actor, and I have a friend who is gifted at making an ass of himself.

You see, each person does have a superpower. My colleague told me that hers was shopping. I’m not one to judge, but I’m quite happy with mine at the moment. True, it doesn’t allow me to make millions playing a sport I love, nor does it secure me in the knowledge that I’m wearing the trendiest clothing, but it does help me in other (less fiduciary) ways.

So, what’s your superpower?

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